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4.1.1. Issue Line to Shipping

To issue a Line Item to Shipping, highlight the Line Item, then select the ISSUE STOCK button. You may also double-click on the Line Item. The following screen will appear:

Issue Line Item to Shipping

When issuing a Line Item to Shipping, you are presented with the following options:

Sales Order #

Displays Sales Order Number for specified Line Item.

Shipment #

Displays the Shipment Number for the Line Item, if any.

Item Number

Displays Item Number for specified Line Item.


Inventory Unit of Measure.


Displays Site identified on Sales Order Line Item.

Qty. Ordered

Displays quantity of Item ordered.

Selling UOM

The unit of measure you are shipping in

Qty. Shipped

Displays quantity of Item already shipped for specified Order.

Qty. Returned

Displays quantity of Item returned for specified Order.

Balance Due

Displays balance of Line Item remaining to be shipped for specified Order.

Qty. Reserved

Displays the reserved quantity.

Qty. at Shipping

Displays quantity of Item at Shipping for specified Order.

Qty. to Issue

Enter the quantity of Items you want to issue to Shipping for specified Order.

The following buttons are unique to this screen:


Select to issue the specified Line Item quantity to Shipping. If the specified Item is a Multiple Location Control Item, you will be brought to the "Distribute Stock To/From Site Locations" screen.


If the "Require Reservations" setting is selected under Sales Order Setup, you will not be able to issue more than what is reserved.