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7.2. Quantities on Hand

The "Quantities on Hand" screen provides up-to-date QOH information, as well as information about Inventory values by Item Site. This is a particularly useful screen for anyone who manages physical Inventory. From the right-click menu, you can transfer and adjust quantities—or enter Count Tags and miscellaneous physical counts. The columns in the screen also provide detailed Item Site information, including Location details, reorder levels, and more.

Here are some tips for using this screen:

  • Don't confuse QOH with Availability. You may be showing a certain QOH, but because of order commitments the actual available quantity may be different.

  • If the "Show Inventory Value" box is selected, the display will also show unit Cost, value, and non-netable value. Totals for each column will be calculated at the bottom of the display. It is not currently possible to view Inventory value at a point in time in the past.

  • You can choose to see historical Inventory values using the "As-Of" filter option. This option shows point-in-time Inventory values by Accounting Period. If you do not see the "As-Of" option, then you probably haven't enabled the feature. You can learn more about enabling the As-Of QOH feature here: Section 12.1.1, “Configure Inventory”.


    You should only enable As-Of QOH reporting during off hours, as this option may require extensive processing when it is run.

  • When a Quantity on Hand value displays in the color orange, this means the actual or projected Quantity on Hand is at or below the Reorder Level. When the color is red, the current or projected Quantity on Hand is below 0.

  • View ABC Class information by enabling the ABC Class column header.

The following screenshot shows the "Quantities on Hand" screen:

Quantities on Hand

The following options on this screen are a supplement to the choices available under the search filter:

Show All Quantities

Select to show all Quantities on Hand in the display.

Only Show Positive QOHs

Select to show only Inventory with a positive Quantity on Hand in the display.

Only Show Negative QOHs

Select to show only Inventory with a negative Quantity on Hand in the display.

Show Inventory Value

Select to include the Inventory value of Quantities on Hand by Class Code in the display. Once selected, specify one of the following costing options:

Use Posted Costs

Select to show Inventory value based on the costing method defined for the Item Site. Item Sites may use the following costing methods, depending on the Item Type: Standard, Average, Job (i.e., Job Items), and None (i.e., Reference Items and any Items having a control method = None).

Use Standard Costs

Select to show Inventory value based on Standard Costs.

Use Actual Costs

Select to show Inventory value based on Actual Costs.

The default filter on the "Quantities on Hand" screen shows quantities for all Items. You can build your own search criteria using the following options:


Select a filter from the list of available filters, then select the QUERY button to generate search results. Only saved filters will appear in this list.


Select this button to show the parameters underlying the saved filter. To hide the parameters, click the MORE button a second time.

Query Builder

When building a custom query, you have the following options:


Select to add a new parameter to the query.


Select to remove a parameter from the query. This option is disabled for default parameters.


Select to save your filter for future use. Saved filters will appear in the list of available filters.


Select to manage your saved filters. To learn more about managing filters, please see Section 2.1.2, “Search Filters”.