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1.7.2.  Open Payables

To view open payables, select the "Open Payables" option. The following screen will appear:

Open Payables by Vendor

When displaying open payables, you are presented with the following options:


Specify the Vendor(s) whose open payables you want to display.

Start Date

Open payables for the specified Vendor(s) entered on and after this date will be displayed.

End Date

Open payables for the specified Vendor(s) entered on and before this date will be displayed.

As of Date

Specify the date you want the open payables to be relative to. The report will include any open payables which were open—that is, not yet paid—as of the specified date. This feature provides "point-in-time" open balance functionality.


The payment date used as a reference for the "As of Date" field is the G/L distribution date, not the posting date.


Display lists open payables, using the specified parameters.


Open items may be placed on hold—or reopened— using the right-click menu on this screen. When on hold, open items may not be selected for payment.