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11.1.1. Configure Purchase

To configure the Purchase module, select the "Configure Purchase" option. The following screen will appear:

Configure Purchase Module

When configuring the Purchase module, you are presented with the following options:

Order # Generation

Specify one of the available Purchase Order Number generation methods:


Purchase Order Numbers will be automatically incremented by 1 each time a new Purchase Order is created. These automatically-generated numbers may not be edited. They are read-only.


Purchase Order Numbers must be entered manually whenever you create a new Purchase Order.

Automatic, Allow Override

Purchase Order Numbers will be automatically generated and incremented, as under the "Automatic" option described above. However, this option also allows you to manually override the Purchase Order Number at the time of Purchase Order creation.

Next #

The next sequentially available Purchase Order Number will display here. You may change the number—creating a new basis for the next Purchase Order Number—by typing the new number into this field. Any changes you make here will be reflected the next time a new Purchase Order is created in the Purchase module.

Voucher # Generation

By default, Voucher Numbers are automatically generated. This system setting cannot be changed.

Next #

The next sequentially available Voucher Number will display here. You may change the number—creating a new basis for the next Voucher Number—by typing the new number into this field. Any changes you make here will be reflected the next time a new Voucher is created in the Purchase module.

Purchase Request # Generation

Select one of the available Purchase Request Number generation methods:


Purchase Request Numbers will be automatically incremented by 1 each time a new Purchase Request is created. These automatically-generated numbers may not be edited. They are read-only.


Purchase Request Numbers must be entered manually whenever you create a new Purchase Order.

Automatic, Allow Override

Purchase Request Numbers will be automatically generated and incremented, as under the "Automatic" option described above. However, this option also allows you to manually override the Purchase Request Number at the time of Purchase Request creation.

Next #

The next sequentially available Purchase Request Number will display here. You may change the number—creating a new basis for the next Purchase Request Number—by typing the new number into this field. Any changes you make here will be reflected the next time you issue a new Purchase Request within the Purchase module.

Default Purchase Order Copies

Indicate the copies you want to print.


Select to print one Vendor copy.


Select to print a specified number of internal copies. When you select this option, the "# of Copies" field will be enabled.

# of Copies

Specify the number of copies you want to print.

Vendor Defaults

Specify the following Vendor defaults:

Ship Via

Specify the default Ship Via to be used for Purchase Orders.

Post Purchase Order Changes to the Change Log

Select to post to the Change Log any changes made to Purchase Orders.

Post Vendor Changes to the Change Log

Select to post to the Change Log any changes made to Vendor masters.

Use Earliest Avail. as Due Date for Purchase Order Item

Select to use Item Source Earliest Available dates as the default due date when entering manual Purchase Order Line Items. If not selected, the due date field will be left blank when entering Purchase Order Line Items—requiring users to enter the date manually. Earliest Available dates are determined by adding Item Source Lead Times to the current date.


The "Use Earliest Avail." option applies only to Purchase Orders entered manually. This option does not impact the scheduling of POs generated from MRP Planned Orders.

Prevent Purchase Order Items when no Std. Cost Exists

Select if you want to prevent users from entering Purchase Order Line Items for Items which have no Standard Cost. If selected, users will be shown a message stating the problem. The solution is to add Standard Cost to the Item(s) in question.

Check Print Purchase Order on Save by Default

Select to prompt users to print Purchase Orders whenever Purchase Orders are saved. If selected, users will be presented with a Purchase Order print screen whenever a Purchase Order is saved. To bypass this feature, do not select this option.

Copy Purchase Request notes to Purchase Order Item notes

Select if you want notes entered on a Purchase Request to transfer to the corresponding Purchase Order.

Require Tax on Purchase Orders

Select if you want to require that Tax be added to all Purchase Orders. If not selected, Tax will not be required.

Enable Drop Shipments

Select to enable drop ship functionality in the system.


These drop ship configuration settings will be disabled if there are unfinished drop ship transactions in the system. To re-enable these options so you can modify the configuration, you must first complete all pending drop ship transactions. For example, all drop ship purchase receipts must be fully vouchered.

Select Drop Shipped Orders for Billing on Receipt

Select to have drop ship Items automatically shipped and selected for billing at the point when they are received. If not selected, drop ship Items will need to be manually shipped and selected for billing after receipt.