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10.1.1. Configure CRM

To configure the CRM module, select the "Configure CRM" option. The following screen will appear:

Configure CRM Module

When configuring the CRM module, you are presented with the following options:

Account # Generation

Select one of the available CRM Account Number generation methods:


CRM Account Numbers must be entered manually whenever you create a new CRM Account.


CRM Account Numbers will be automatically incremented by 1 each time a new CRM Account is created. These automatically-generated numbers may not be edited. They are read-only.

Automatic, Allow Override

CRM Account Numbers will be automatically generated and incremented, as under the "Automatic" option described above. However, this option also allows you to manually override the CRM Account Number at the time of CRM Account creation.

Next #

Specify the next available CRM Account number. The next CRM Account created will use the number specified here. Leave this field blank if you will be creating CRM Account numbers manually.

Incident # Generation

By default, Incident numbers are generated automatically. However, you have the ability to specify the next available number.

Next #

Specify the next available Incident number. The next Incident created will use the number specified here.

Use Projects

Select to enable Project functionality. This option must be enabled for Project Accounting to be enabled.

Enable Project Accounting

Select to enable the features related to the Project Accounting package. When Project Accounting is enabled, all G/L Accounts are eligible to have transactions performed against them—and to have an extra dynamic segment for the Project number appended to the G/L Account Number. Project Accounts are created on the fly as transactions are performed against them, eliminating the need for users having to create G/L Accounts for every possible G/L Account and Project combination. Financial statement and transaction reporting will display Project-specific transactions just as though the Project number were the last segment of the G/L Account. Various reports can be filtered by Project transaction.

Project Labor And Overhead

Enter a G/L Account to be used when approving Time Sheets for Employees who record time against Projects. For this Account to be used, the Employee must have a rate defined on their Employee record—and they must also not be a contractor.

Automatically create Projects for Sales Orders

Select to create a Project for every Sales Order when a new Sales Order is created.

Post Opportunity Changes to the Change Log

Select to have the system automatically log changes made to Opportunity records under the "Comments" tab for each Opportunity where the changes are made. If not selected, Opportunity changes will not be tracked automatically.

Show Incident Public checkbox

Select if you want to show the "Public" checkbox option on the Incidents screen. In not selected, the "Public" checkbox will not be shown. This option applies primarily to sites where the xTuple Web Portal has been implemented. With the Web Portal, xTuple Incidents may be viewed by Customers, Vendors, and others on your website. Depending on your website rules, private incidents may be hidden from most website users.

Incidents Public by Default

If you are showing the "Public" checkbox on Incidents, select this option to make Incidents publicly viewable by default. Incidents will be private by default if this option is not selected. Regardless of the setting you make here, the "Public" flag can be overridden on the Incident screen.

Require SO/PO/WO assignment to Project

If selected, you will be required to link a Project before saving Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, or Work Orders. If not selected, the Project association won't be required at order entry.

Warning Period for Project Due Dates

Specify how far in advance you want to be notified of a Project's approaching due date. The warning consists of a color-coded alert on the Order Activity by Project report.

Default Incident Email Delivery Profile

Specify the default EDI email delivery profile you want to use when emailing Incidents.

Email Delivery when Incident

Select the options below to trigger Email notifications when Incident Events occur.


When Incident is created, Email notification is sent.


When user is assigned to Incident, Email notification is sent.

Status Changed

When status of an Incident is changed, Email notification is sent.


When Incident is updated, Email notification is sent.

Comments Added

When Comments are added to an Incident, Email notification is sent.


The following tokens are supported in EDI profile for CRM Incidents:

  • </email1> = Incident owner email address

  • </email2> = Incident assignee email address

  • </email3> = Incident contact email address

  • </description> = Incident description

  • </docnumber> = Incident number

  • </doctype> = "INCDT"

  • </docid> = Incident primary key id

  • </docbody> = Builds text of fields, notes and history of incident record

  • </comments> = Incident comments

Incident Status Colors

The Incident color configuration option supports simple color names (e.g., red, blue, green, etc.), as well as the full range of hexadecimal codes (e.g., #FFA0A0, #FF50A8, etc.). Specify how you want Incidents on the Incident Workbench to appear according to their various statuses:


Specify the color for Incidents whose status is "New". The default color is set to "white." Setting no value in this field will cause New Incident rows to be rendered all "black."


Specify the color for Incidents whose status is "Feedback". The default color is set to "white." Setting no value in this field will cause New Incident rows to be rendered all "black."


Specify the color for Incidents whose status is "Confirmed". The default color is set to "white." Setting no value in this field will cause New Incident rows to be rendered all "black."


Specify the color for Incidents whose status is "Assigned". The default color is set to "white." Setting no value in this field will cause New Incident rows to be rendered all "black."


Specify the color for Incidents whose status is "Resolved". The default color is set to "white." Setting no value in this field will cause New Incident rows to be rendered all "black."


Specify the color for Incidents whose status is "Closed". The default color is set to "white." Setting no value in this field will cause New Incident rows to be rendered all "black."

Default Country for Addresses

Select if you want a default Country (e.g., United States) to be used whenever new Addresses are created. While a default Address will be set, the choice can be overridden manually when creating or editing Addresses. If not selected, users will need to manually select a Country when entering Addresses.

Enforce Valid Country Names

If selected, users will be required to select from a list of valid Countries when creating or editing Addresses. Once this box is checked and you save the configuration, it will be disabled and you cannot uncheck it. If not selected, users will be permitted to enter ad hoc Country names.


When you select this option, the application will warn you if it finds you have Addresses with invalid Country names. This includes Addresses themselves and also documents which use Addresses―namely, Sales Orders, Invoices, etc. The warning message refers to a fixCountry.gz extension package, which can be downloaded for free from the xTuple xChange.


To learn more about editing the list of Country names, please see Section 13.2.3, “Countries”.

Invalid Countries Warning Message