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6.1. Main Menu

The Main menu is how users typically navigate an xTupleCommerce site. Built with a series of adjacent tabs, each Main menu option may lead to single content page or to a series of nested submenus, having their own linked pages underneath. Typical Main menu options might include (but are not limited to) the following: Product Catalog, Products, About Us, Blog, FAQs, Testimonials, and Contact Us. Menu items may be added manually to the menu or they can be added within the content type.

Add a new menu option

To add a new option to the Main menu, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Structure > Menus > Main menu.

  2. Click the Add link button.

  3. You will be presented with the following options:

    Menu link title

    Enter the title you want displayed on the menu option (e.g., Testimonial or About Us).


    Enter the URL/path to the page you want users to be directed to when they click on the menu option. Any valid URL can be entered here. However, for internal pages that are part of your xTupleCommerce portal, the abbreviated pathname can and will be used (e.g., node/32).


    Text entered here will appear as a tool tip when users hover their mouse over the menu option.


    Select to activate the menu option. If not selected, the menu will be hidden.

    Show as expanded

    If selected, any child menu items will be expanded and displayed by default when the menu option is selected. If not selected, the submenus will be collapsed into the parent menu by default.

    Parent link

    Indicate where in the menu structure you want the menu option to appear. Specify "Main menu" to have the menu option appear at the Main menu's top level.


    Use weight to help with the sequence order of menu items. Heavier links (i.e., bigger number) will sink and the lighter links will be positioned nearer the top.

  4. Click the SAVE button.

Edit an existing menu

To edit an already-existing menu, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Structure > Menus > Main menu.

  2. Select the edit link next to the menu option you want to modify.

  3. Make any desired changes.

  4. Click the SAVE button.

Reorder menus

You can change the order of items in a menu using the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Structure > Menus > Main menu.

  2. Place your mouse on the cross hairs located just to the left of the menu item.

  3. Again, using your mouse, drag the cross hairs either up or down to change its location in the menu structure.

  4. You can also create parent/child menu items by dragging the cross hairs to the right. When dragged to the right, the menu option will become a child menu of the menu item just above it.


    Parent menu items are top-level menu items. Child menu items are submenus.

  5. Click the SAVE CONFIGURATION button to ensure your changes are saved.