1. Downloading the Required Components

If you purchased xTuple Connect on the xTuple xChange, then you should already have the files you need—that is, the Updater tool, xtConnect package, and the xTuple Connect Batch Manager client. Otherwise, you will need to download the xtConnect extension package and the xTuple Connect Batch Manager client. To install xtConnect you will also need xTuple's Updater tool for loading. If you don't already have the Updater, you will need to download it as well.

We will explain how to install each component in the next section.


Depending on which edition of xTuple ERP you are running, it may be possible to download the required files from the "Commercial Software" section of the xTuple.org website.

1.1. Getting xTuple's Updater

The xTuple Updater is a package installer. It is a cross-platform application which connects to your xTuple ERP database and installs xtConnect and other extension packages. The Updater is the same tool that is used for upgrading xTuple ERP databases from one version to the next. It also converts xTuple ERP from one edition to the next (e.g., PostBooks to Standard).

If you do not already have it, the Updater tool can be downloaded from the PostBooks project page on SourceForge.net. To reach the PostBooks project, follow these steps:

  1. Point your web browser to http://sourceforge.net/projects/postbooks/

  2. The following project page will appear:

    PostBooks Project Home Page
  3. Click on the VIEW ALL FILES > button. This will give you access to all the available packages. Scroll down a bit. In the following screenshot, the Updater is Package #06:

    PostBooks Packages Download Page


    If you don't see the Updater package on the Downloads page, make sure you selected the "View all files" option.

  4. Select the link for the Updater package. Most users will need the latest version of the Updater. Be sure to choose a download which corresponds to your operating system. The Updater is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, as shown in the following screen:

    Download Updater

1.2. Downloading xTuple Connect

If you have not already purchased xTuple Connect, you can purchase and download it from the xTuple App Store, the xChange:

  1. Point your web browser to http://www.xtuple.com/xchange


  3. Click on XTUPLE CONNECT

  4. Select a Software version


    If you are not sure which version to select, click on the "Compatibility Matrix" link.

  5. Click ADD TO CART

  6. Click CHECKOUT, complete the form, and follow the instructions to complete the purchase and download the required files.

If you have already purchased xTuple Connect, you can download it from the Commercial Downloads section of xTuple's web site:

  1. Point your web browser to http://www.xtuple.org

  2. Log in to the web site

  3. Click on DOWNLOAD



  6. Click on the folder with the version you desire

  7. Download the xTuple Connect Batch Manager by clicking on the BatchManager-xtconnectversion-platform.suffix link for the operating system platform on which you plan to run the xTuple Connect Batch Manager client. For example, if you plan to run version 3.5.0 of the xTuple Connect Batch Manager on a computer running Microsoft Windows, click on BatchManager-xtconnect3.5.0-Windows.zip.

  8. Click on either the xtconnect-version.gz link or xtconnect-versiontoversion.gz to download the xtConnect extension package, depending on whether you are installing xTuple Connect for the first time or upgrading a database with xTuple Connect already installed.


    If your web browser gives you the option of opening or saving the .gz file, choose Save File. The Updater application can only open .gz files.


    The xtconnect-version.gz file is for new installations of the xtConnect extension package. The xtconnect-versiontoversion.gz file is for upgrading an existing xTuple Connect installation. Make sure to download and install the package appropriate to your situation.