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2. Basic Setup

The second tab in the QuickStart workflow is labeled Basic Setup and contains the system setup and the user setup workflows.

Update ADMIN User's Privileges

The Maintain Users section enables system administrators to set up and maintain user accounts, passwords, and associated application privileges. This section can only be accessed by users who have been granted the MaintainUsers system privilege―a privilege typically reserved for system administrators. Make sure to:

  • Update e-mail address.

  • Reset password.

  • Add all privileges which may not yet be assigned.

Rescan Privileges

The Rescan Privileges utility enables a user to realize newly-granted privileges without having to log out and log back into the application. To realize newly-granted privileges, simply select the Rescan Privileges option to execute the utility. The privileges for the current user will be rescanned and updated-without the user having to log out of the application.

  • If no changes were made to privileges you can skip this step.

  • If changes were made, take a moment to verify these changes took effect.

Edit Preferences

The Preferences section enables users to customize the look and feel of their main application window. Users can also specify various application defaults. While users have the ability to modify their own preferences, only those users granted the MaintainUsers privilege can change another user's preferences.

  • Select the Ignore Missing Translations option.

  • Check the menu options you want visibility to.

  • Create hot keys.

Edit Database Information

Enter the information about your database.

  • Edit database description.

  • Allow or disallow mismatched client versions.

  • Enable xTuple Connect (commercial edition).

  • Enter default email address for xTuple Connect.

Enter Company Logo

You can store various types of images in an xTuple database for later reference. For example, you may want to store an image of your company logo to display on printed invoices. Users who have been granted the MaintainImages privilege will have the ability to load and maintain images. The following image formats are supported: .gif, .jpg, .png, and .xpm

  • Select NEW to browse to company image file.

  • Add any additional corporate logos or images used on various reports.

Enter Currencies

The system support for multi-currency begins with the definition of multiple currencies. In fact, the way to turn on multi-currency support is to define two or more currencies on the master list of currencies. Once two currencies are defined, you will see multi-currency support integrated throughout the application. If you prefer not to use multi-currency at your site, then simply define a base currency only—and no secondary currencies.

  • Select NEW to add currencies.

  • Select base currency box for the primary currency you use for your business.

Enter Exchange Rates

Exchange rates are used to determine the value of foreign currency-in relation to the base currency-on a given date. They are also used to convert the value of transactions involving foreign currencies to the base currency when the transactions are posted. This conversion to base currency is required because all transactions posted to the general ledger (G/L) are posted in base currency.

  • Select NEW to add foreign currency exchange rate.

  • Click NEW CURRENCY to add any currencies missed in the last step.

Create Characteristics

Characteristics are custom fields defined by users. They may be used to create additional layers of information about items, customers, CRM accounts, and more. For example, characteristics defined on an Item master may be associated with sales order items. And, if the sales order leads to the automatic generation of additional orders (i.e., work orders or purchase orders), then the subsequent orders will inherit the parent sales order characteristics.

  • Add any known characteristics used in your business to define items and customers.

  • We will revisit this screen again during the setup process. If you are unsure at this stage what to complete you can add it later.