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1.3.4. Print Shipping Labels by S/O #

The Print Shipping Labels by SO # session is found on the S/R - Forms menu. The is user prompted to enter a sales order number, select a label form (remember that these were defined in the System - Master Information: Label Forms session) in the Report Name field, and enter a range in the labels: from and to fields to control the number of labels printed. This approach enables you to pre-define a variety of label formats.

The table below identifies screen literals, parameters, and a table reference to assist you in creating your report definitions for labels. Note that address information for orders that are destined for customer ship-to addresses is contained the table shipto and can be accused with a join to information in the table cohead using the value passed by the parameter sohead_id.

The table below identifies screen literals, parameters, and a table reference to assist you in creating your report definitions for sales order labels:

Table 5.4. Screen literals for printing sales order labels

Screen LiteralParameterTable Reference
Sales Order #sohead_idcohead
Report Namenot a parametern/a
Label fromlabelFromn/a
Labels tolabelTon/a