With enhanced commissions successfully installed and enabled, we are ready to begin the global commissions configuration.
To begin, follow this path:
Next, navigate to the
tabSales Setup: Commission
If the
tab is not visible, you will need to go through the configuration of the module from the beginning to ensure that the user has sufficient privileges and that enhanced commissions is enabled.The
tab contains additional commission setup options. Here we need to define whether full commission, split commission or no commission is applied to sales reps and managers. The choice can be applied to the following users and the settings are system wide:Primary sales rep
Primary sales rep's manager
Additional sales reps
Additional managers
To change a selection for any of these groups that might receive commission, simply click on the drop-down menu and select one of the following options to be applied for the relevant group:
In addition to globally defining those groups which will receive split commissions, we use the settings on the
tab to define which people split commission with managers. Use the drop-down menu to make a selection. Managers can split commission with:Managers
Sales reps
The Next Commission Batch # is also maintained in this setup area. This number applies to a unique batch number that is linked to the commission amounts for a sales representative shown in commission reporting every time commissions are paid. To change this number, replace the value in the text box next to the description.