Follow this path:
Click the NEW button
In the "Name" field, enter "Sales_FTP_CSV"
Leave the "EDI Type" set to "FTP"
Check the "Review Before Sending" box
In the "Server" field, enter </ftpserver>
In the "Login Name" field, enter </ftplogin>
In the "Password" field, enter </ftppassword>
In the "Directory" field, enter </ftpdirectory>
Create an EDI Form for Invoices
In the "Query" field, enter the following text to retrieve the FTP connection information required to send an Invoice:
SELECT (SELECT charass_value FROM charass JOIN char ON (charass_char_id=char_id) WHERE charass_target_type='C' AND charass_target_id=cust_id AND char_name = 'ftpserver') AS ftpserver, (SELECT charass_value FROM charass JOIN char ON (charass_char_id=char_id) WHERE charass_target_type='C' AND charass_target_id=cust_id AND char_name = 'ftplogin') AS ftplogin, (SELECT charass_value FROM charass JOIN char ON (charass_char_id=char_id) WHERE charass_target_type='C' AND charass_target_id=cust_id AND char_name = 'ftppassword') AS ftppassword, (SELECT charass_value FROM charass JOIN char ON (charass_char_id=char_id) WHERE charass_target_type='C' AND charass_target_id=cust_id AND char_name = 'ftpdirectory') AS ftpdirectory FROM invchead JOIN custinfo ON (invchead_cust_id=cust_id) WHERE (invchead_id=<? value("docid") ?>);
Click SAVE to save the EDI Form
Click SAVE to save the EDI Profile
One alternative to using Customer Characteristics, one that would address the security concerns, is to write a small xTuple Extension package with a table to hold the FTP data and associate these data with particular Customers. Then the server, login, and password information could be stored in encrypted form.